Humfeld Chiropractic and Nutrition Center is proud to bring B3 Bands to Faribault. If you do not like to exercise, check out these bands.
You choose what you want to accomplish with B3 Bands:
Lose Weight Fast
Get Leaner and more toned
Build Muscle Bigger and Faster
Get Back in Shape
Add Strength to your Entire Body
Strengthen your Cardiovascular system
Perform Better at your Sport
Recover Faster from surgery or injury
The B3 Bands are based on a scientific discovery in exercise that uses BFR (Blood Flow Resistance). This process uses the body’s natural systems in combination with light exercise to produce results that will change the way you exercise forever.
If you don't like to lift weights or go to the Gym . . . simply go for a walk in the B3 Bands
Can't get to the Gym or don't want to Travel to exercise . . . simply put the B3 Bands on at home and follow our simple home exercise program
Are you a Gym person or weight lifter . . . get ready to lift half as much weight, feel less pain and soreness and see results you never imagined were possible
Are you an Athlete . . . add B3 Bands to your current training program and you will have an unfair advantage over the competition