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Mental Health

Ionic Foot Bath Detox
What is it? The Ionic Cleanse Detox machine is a high-tech water detoxification system that facilitates the body’s ability to heal...

Secrets of Longevity of the Blue Zone People
n Dan Buettner’s book, The Blue Zones, he identified five places in the world where people lived to be 100 at ten times the average rate....

The November Gratitude Challenge
We should all devote some time each day to focus on gratitude. During the challenge, spend a few moments writing down all of the things...

How to Stop Brain Inflammation
Inflammation can occur in the body in response to an infection, injury, disease or stress. It can be acute (two weeks or less) or...

Basic Shake Recipe
Enjoy this basic shake recipe from Humfeld Chiropractic and Nutrition in Minnesota. 1 – 1 1/2 cups of fresh or frozen fruit or vegetables...
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