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ALCAT testing reveals issues that traditional medicine doesn’t recognize

You would think that a nurse who worked in the Gastrointestinal Department of a major hospital would be able to find the answer to ongoing intestinal distress, but that didn’t happen for Camryn*. A full GI workup couldn’t identify the solution for her pain, bloating and extreme weight gain that kept her awake at night and caused her so much suffering that she just didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t until she heard about the ALCAT blood test for food sensitivities through a friend. Her research led her to nutrition practitioner, Dr. Lisa Humfeld-Wilson, and she was finally able to turn a corner and get her life back.

Camryn was convinced that the issues she was experiencing had to do with her diet so she started searching the internet for methods of testing that would uncover possible food sensitivities. She discovered ALCAT, a test that measures nutrition at the cellular level. The test is administered in a lab with a blood sample. It identifies food intolerances and sensitivities by challenging the white blood cells with food substances in addition to additives, colorings, chemicals, medicinal herbs, molds and drug compounds.

Identifying the substances that were compromising her health was just the first step. Camryn wanted to work with Dr. Lisa to make sure that she was giving her body the nutrition it needed while excluding the substances that were wreaking havoc with her gut. Dr. Lisa used Nutritional Response TestingTM to fine tune Camryn’s acceptable food choices and identify the whole food supplements needed to provide complete nutrition.

It has been seven months since Camryn started down the road to better health with her Designed Clinical Nutrition plan and guidance from Dr. Lisa. There have been a few bumps along the way. As often happens, the recovery process uncovers additional issues such as external scars or secondary food sensitivities that need to be addressed. Keeping a regular appointment schedule with Dr. Lisa so that the nutrition plan can be tweaked has prevented these things from becoming permanent roadblocks.

Losing weight has been the most visible sign of Camryn’s improvement in health. She has gone from a size 14 to a size 9, and she feels amazing. “It’s just been the best thing I’ve ever done for myself,” she says. “I feel like I really have invested in my health and it’s been life changing how I feel.”

Camryn doesn’t talk too much about her experience with her GI Department colleagues unless someone asks her why she looks and feels so good. “People have to be ready to listen,” she says. She thinks that there is going to have to be a paradigm shift before the traditional medical community and the patients they treat, recognize the impact of food and chemicals in the body. Until then, she tells her story whenever she can and she’s thankful that she has her life back.

*Names are changed to protect patient confidentiality

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