Thermography is also known as Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI). It is a 15 minute non invasive test of physiology. It is a valuable procedure can detect disease and injury by revealing the thermal abnormalities present in the body. Thermography can assess pain and pathology anywhere on the body and is very helpful in monitoring therapy.

Other benefits of Thermography include:
No radiation – 100% safe for everyone
Non-invasive, no injections
Offers privacy – no bodily contact
Importance of Thermography for Breast Health
Thermal imaging can detect the potential presence of a tumor years before a mammogram can see it. Therefore, thermal imaging is not meant to replace a mammogram, but compliment it. The benefit of DITI testing is that it offers the opportunity of earlier detection of breast disease than has been possible through breast self examination, doctor examination or mammography alone. DITI detects the subtle physiologic changes that accompany breast pathology, whether it is cancer, fibrocystic disease, an infection or a vascular disease. Your doctor can then plan accordingly and lay out a careful program to further diagnose and /or MONITOR you during and after any treatment.
Other uses of Thermography/DITI
Digital infrared thermal imaging is a totally non-invasive clinical imaging procedure for detecting and monitoring a number of diseases and physical injuries, by showing the thermal abnormalities present in the body. It is used as an aid for diagnosis and prognosis, as well as monitoring therapy progress, for conditions and injuries, including:

Back Injuries
Nerve Damage
Unexplained Pain
Dental and TMJ
Artery Inflammation
Vascular Disease
Breast Disease
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Disc Disease
Inflammatory Pain
Skin Cancer
Referred Pain Syndrome
Stroke Screening
Digestive Disorders

We are glad to partner with Picture My Health to off our clients thermography. Our first day to offer thermography in Faribault will be Tuesday,
April 12th, 2022. Please call our office at 507-333-5388 to schedule your thermography exam.