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Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries?

Most people have heard of and are aware of what concussions are, and most likely have heard that doctors across all healthcare fields are finding greater issues with long-term effects in people who have suffered concussions. Still there seems to be a great deal of misinformation or rather a dismissal of the seriousness of this type of injury.

Do you think you would take the topic of concussions more seriously if we began using the term: (Mild) Traumatic Brain Injury? To be perfectly honest, that is a concussion.

If you have a child who plays contact sports or has had any kind of injury classified as a traumatic brain injury mild or severe, wouldn’t you like to know what long term effects this could have on your child’s emotional, and cognitive health? Would you consider the fact that irritability, attention disorders, or depression are not normal responses and that there are safe therapies which could alleviate and correct the disorder caused by taking a hit to the head?

Of course, concussions are not reserved for children only, people of all ages are prone to concussions and the negative aftereffects. Elderly are among the greater population who are likely to suffer falls resulting in concussions.

Many times, people will suffer an injury which results in a concussion and will not realize the post concussions syndrome symptoms they are experiencing days, weeks, months, or years later are from that injury. This leads to confusion and challenges in treating the symptoms if people are not educated and aware of these potential issues. As humans we are very good at dealing with pain and disorder, often giving it credit to something else because we don’t attribute a hit to the head as a likely cause.

Symptoms of concussion usually fall into four categories:

How many people do you know who suffer from these symptoms and just can’t seem to figure out what could be the cause? It’s possible that injuries from any point in life can manifest later as these symptoms.

*It is important to note that these symptoms are not the result of damage to the brain. Ongoing symptoms are caused by changes in the function of the brain and nervous system that were triggered by the initial trauma.

Upper cervical chiropractic has proven to be very effective in treating many of these symptoms, even if someone has been living with them for many years.

Upper cervical adjustments are not the high-speed forcing, popping, and twisting that most people associate with chiropractic care. These adjustments are provided either by hand or by an adjusting instrument and involve very gentle and precise adjustments. A patient often feels very little of the adjustment itself but may experience a dramatic difference in the effects of the adjustment. Adjustments are extremely precise because diagnostic imaging is used to provide the exac

t location and degree of misalignment.

In addition to upper cervical chiropractic, B.E.S.T. (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique), craniosacral therapy and nutritional support can also be beneficial in treating a concussion. B.E.S.T. is a soft-touch chiropractic technique that doesn't involve any twisting, turning, or cracking of the bones. Craniosacral therapy works with the connective tissue and the fascia in the body. Nutritional support can be beneficial to ensure the brain and body are getting the proper nutrients to help heal from a brain injury.

If you, or someone you care about, could benefit from chiropractic care for a concussion and any of the underlying symptoms, call our office at (507) 333-5388 or use the form below to leave your information and we will contact you soon! (All information left is confidential.)

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Humfeld Chiropractic & Nutrition Center
119 Central Ave N, Faribault, MN 55021


Monday & Wednesday 8am - 5pm 

Tuesday & Thursday 10:30am - 5pm

Friday, Saturday & Sunday – Closed

The office will be closing on Tuesday, October 15th at 3pm and will reopen at 8am on October 21st. 

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